This study aimed to comparatively determine the prevalence of trichostrongylid nematodes and egg excretions in cows that are in the periparturient period (PPP) and pregnant cows in the non-periparturient period (NPPP).
Animal materials are constituted by cows in PPP and NPPP in 10 ranches in Kars and surrounding areas. Stool samples were collected from the rectum of 125 pregnant cows, which were in NPPP during November 2010 - January 2011 and from the same cows in PPP during April–May 2011. Stool samples were analyzed for the presence of nematode eggs by the flotation method. EPG was determined by the McMaster method.
Trichostrongylid nematode eggs were detected in seven of 10 dairy cattle ranches (70%). The prevalence rates of trichostrongylid nematodes were 16.8% (21/125) during NPPP and 27.2% (34/125) during PPP. Nineteen of 21 (90.5%) positive samples during NPPP were positive during PPP. Fifteen negative samples during NPPP were positive during PPP with respect to trichostrongylid nematode eggs. The egg count of trichostrongylid during PPP (total, 4350; mean, 34.8; n, 125) was greater than that during NPPP (total, 1250; mean, 10; n, 125).
Cows had nematode eggs during PPP and played an important role in transmission.